Saturday, August 31, 2019

Presidential form of Government Essay

Presidential form of government , is a government in which the chief executive is not responsible to the legislature. Bagehot, † the independence of the legislative and the executive powers is the specific quality of presidential government just as fusion and combination is the principle of cabinet government†. If we compare cabinet and presidential systems , we can find that they are both representative in character, but in cabinet system the executive is a part of legislature and responsibility of executive to legislature is sine quo non . In presidential form of government the executive, i.e., PRESIDENT is constitutionally independent of legislature. They are two distinct organs more or less separated from each other. The executive is not the creature of legislature, nor is it responsible for its public acts or dependent for its seat. The head of the state exercise real power, as it derives from the constitution and as such there is no distinction between a executive and the executive. Dr.Garner,†What has been called ‘Presidential’ government as contra-distinguished from cabinet or parliamentary government, is that system in which the executive (including both the Head of the state and his ministers) is constitutionally independent of the legislature in respect to the duration of his or their tenure and irresponsible to it for his or their political policies. In such a system the chief of the state is not merely the titular executive but he is real executive and actually exercises the powers which the constitution and laws confer upon him†. HIGHLIGHTS OF SYSTEM:(ALSO COMPARING WITH PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT). 1) SEPARATION OF POWERS Unlike the parliamentary system of government where executive is a part of legislature, in presidential form of government there is separation of  powers. In this system the executive and legislature are separate from each other and they have equal status. But in a parliamentary government, there is no separation of powers. In this system the executive is under the legislature. 2) I n a presidential form of government , the president is the Head of the state as well as of the government.. While in a parliamentary government, the Head of the state is President, or king or, Governor-General and the Prime minister is the Head of the government. It must be noted that the position of the Head of the state in a parliamentary government is nominal . He/ she holds the power in theory. They are either wielding this position by hereditarily or through in direct election or by nomination. 3) In a presidential government, the President is elected for a fixed tenure and except impeachment for the violation of the constitution; he cannot be removed from his office before the expiry of his term. In a parliamentary government, though similar is the position of the President, yet the Prime minister can be removed only through a vote of no- confidence by the Parliament. 4) In a presidential government, the president enjoys real powers of the administration and he exercises all the powers, which are given to him under the constitution and the law. In a presidential government there is no prime minister. The secretaries help the president in the administration and they are appointed by the him on the basis of ability. It depends upon the will of the president to accept or reject their service. In a parliamentary government, though constitutionally the Head of the state has many powers, yet in practice these powers are enjoyed by his ministers. Thus in practice the president has only nominal powers and real powers lie with the prime minister or his ministers. 5) In a presidential government the president and his secretaries are not responsible to the legislature. The legislature cannot remove them through a vote of no- confidence. More over, an adjournment motion or a censure motion cannot be brought against him .The president and his secretaries are not the  members of the legislature and they do not attend its sessions. In a parliamentary government the prime minister and other ministers are the members of either house of the parliament and any one who is not the member of the parliament has to seek the membership within a specified period of time. They attend the session of the parliament and answer the questions and supplementary questions. They place bills before the parliament and make statements relating to policies. A vote of no – confidence, adjournment motion and censure motion can be brought against them. In a parliamentary government only the president, king or governor – general make a speech at the time of the inauguration of the parliament. They are neither members of the house nor they take part in its deliberation. The Head of the state is not responsible to the parliament. PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT: retrospection In the United States Of America, in the 17th century there existed 13 small colonies populated by English men and were independent and self- governing, acknowledging the nominal supremacy of the British crown. They set up their own assemblies, councils, and boards to govern themselves. In July 4th 1776, the leaders of these colonies met at Philadelphia and adopted ‘ DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE â€Å". In 1777, the colonies gave themselves a legal charter by framing â€Å"ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION AND PERPETUAL UNION†. But the British parliament was on collision course with these colonies and American War Of Independence broke out which ended on 1783 with the acceptance of Britain the independence, sovereignty , and freedom of the colonies .But other problems like defending against external aggression , regulation of trade and commerce, relation between outside world , finding satisfactory solution to problems made the colonies to decide to have , â€Å"a more perfect u nion to protect themselves from foreign aggression and to secure blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity†. It was at this time that Monstesquiau , a French jurist published a book known as â€Å"ESPRIT DES LOIS† , in which he put forward the Theory Of Separation Of Powers . This had a profound impact on the colonies. In that he says,† whenever the executive and the legislative powers are united in  the same person , or in the same body of magistrates , there can be no liberty. Again, there can be no liberty if the judicial power be not separated fro the legislative and executive; were it joined with the legislative , the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control , for the judge would then be a legislator ; were it joined to the executive , the judge might behave with violence and oppression . There would be an end of everything were the same men or the same body whether of nobles or the people were to exercise these three powers that of enacting laws, that of executing the public resolutions and trying the causes of individuals†. This along with the views of John Locke which was put forward by him prior to Montesquieu in Second Treatise on Civil Government in the year 1690 in which he said : † it might be too great a temptation to human frailty , apt to grasp at power , for the same person who have power of making laws , who have also in their hands the power to execute them whereby they may exempt themselves from the burdens of the laws they make , and suit the law both in its making and execution , to their own private advantage â€Å". These all made Madison , a great lover of democracy and one of the founding fathers of American Constitution to observe: â€Å"accumulation of powers in a single hand is a very definition of tyranny†. As a result of this several colonies adopted Theory Of Separation Of Power in their own constitutions. Having found that it could work well they thought whether they could transplant these theory from colonial to the national field . They hit upon an idea of creating three coordinate independent authorities namely, the legislature, the executive , the judiciary, and endowing them with full powers in their own spheres , with in limits of constitution . In fact in the US constitution several provisions have been provided to ensure this . * Section (1) : Article(1): of the constitution vests all legislative powers in the Congress of United States consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives.  · Section (1) : Article(2) : of the constitution vest all executive powers with the President of United States of America.  · Section(1) : Article (3) : of the constitution vests all judicial powers in the Supreme court. The framers of the constitution were careful not to allow any branch to gain control or usurp the power of others. Further to strengthen the Theory Of Separation Of Powers and to prevent any arbitrary or despotic exercise of powers by these branches , the founding fathers provided certain inbuilt checks over each other. They are :  · If congress wanted to make any law , it needed President’s approval to be effective . If he refuses to approve the congress could re-pass the bill with 2/3 majority of the two houses under section(7) :article(1) – paragraph -3 of the US constitution. This means that even though the constitution had provided for Presidential veto, it’s misuse is being checked with this safeguard. Under section(3): article(1): paragraph-6 , of the constitution , empowers the congress the power to impeach high officials including the President .  · Section (2): article(2) : paragraph – 2 , empowers President to make treaties , under concurrence or ratification of the senate with a 2/3 majority of majority of senators present . President is also empowered to appoint any high ranking officials like judges of federal court , secretaries with the advice and consent of senate.  · The judiciary has also been vested with powers like any laws passed by either congress or by the president can be declared invalid by the court .This is known as â€Å"judicial review† , and because of these powers the US judiciary is being regarded as one of the powerful judiciaries in the world . Thus one department has been juxtaposed with each other so as to act as a check on the exercise of powers of each so as to maintain the balance of  power. This system is called ‘ the system of CHECKS AND BALENCES†. This is an integral part of the US constitution. The whole structure is built on ‘ SEPARATION OF POWERS†, and CHECKS AND BALENCES, which is a part and parcel of it .This is to ensure that no part would arbitrarily or in a capricious manner danger the liberties of the people. The US , constitution vests executive powers in the hands of one individual ,- the President of United States Of America. His powers are so enormous , wide and overwhelming that he has been described as the , â€Å"foremost ruler of the world†. The American President is not bound down by any cabinet . He chooses his own cabinet , which is at best his personal team of advisers . It has been characterized as the ‘president’ s family, and the head of the family , the president , inevitably dominates them. Ogg rightly describes him as the , â€Å"greatest ruler of the world†. According to Henry he exercises , † the largest amount of authority ever and as wielded by any man in democracy†. This system is called PRESIDENTIAL SYSYEM OF GOVERNMENT. The American President in respect of his powers is best compared to the Prime minister of the parliamentary democracies enjoying the support of a stable majority in the legislature, he is rather head of the state and the responsible head of the government. In many other nations , there is a chief of state whose duties are largely protocol in nature while the Prime Minister is the center of power . But the American President is the nation’s principal spokesman of both domestic and foreign policy . Laski has rightly remarked , There is no foreign institution with which in any strict sense, it can be compared because basically there is no comparable foreign institution . The President of United States is both more and less than a king , he is also both more and less than a Prime Minister†.

Friday, August 30, 2019

European History 1914-to present Essay

The period that immediately followed the First World War was marked by the autocratic regimes in Austria, Germany and Russia being replaced by republics as they were overthrown. There seemed to be a promise of an era of democracy as the seven states that had all been newly created adopted the republican form of government giving the impression that democracy had finally been found after the First World War. However, this did not last as after only two decades, a form of dictatorship took over most of the democratic European countries. While some countries became communists, others took to fascism which resulted to totalitarian form of government (Gardner, Kleiner & Mamiya, 2005). In totalitarianism individuals had absolutely no freedom in their life as all political, intellectual, social, cultural, economic and even religious and spiritual activities were subordinated to the authority of the rulers and the government. This form of rule was characterized by the rulers of the government as a central power controlling all the aspects of the citizens’ lives through force and repression such that those who held views that were different from the ideologies of the rulers and had different practices in the mentioned aspects of their lives were considered to be against the state hence enemies. Totalitarianism was manifested through mass-media that was state controlled, one party state in which the party controlled everything that went on in the state, mass surveillance accompanied with state terrorism and restricted free discussion or criticism especially of the governmental ideologies. In European countries such as such as Russia under Stalin and Germany under Hitler, totalitarianism and the practices of the government received overwhelming support from the citizens (Gardner, Kleiner & Mamiya, 2005). The support was however not spontaneous, it required the rulers to be charismatic so that he would be able to draw support. The rapid development in infrastructure especially communication and transportation played a great role in the rise and spread of the totalitarianism and growth of its popularity amongst the citizens in the countries in which it was practised. This paper seeks to discuss totalitarianism and the reasons for its rise in Europe in the early 20th century. Totalitarianism is characterized by the state pursuing some goal that is special such as conquest of a certain region, exclusion of all others who hold different ideologies from those ones of the state or industrialization. All resources of the state usually are directed and focussed on achievement of these goals regardless of their cost. Anything that furthers the attainment of the goal is fully supported while the things that threaten to foil this achievement are rejected. It is a form of obsession that triggers an ideology that explains and describes things in terms of the intended goal, justifying all obstacles that could arise and all the forces that may struggle against the state in achieving the desired goal (Gardner, Kleiner & Mamiya, 2005). This results to the state getting popular support from the citizens which gives it the power to practice any form of governmental actions. Anyone opposing the goals or ideologies of the state is considered evil and political differences within the state not allowed. Achievement of the goal is never acknowledged even in the event the state actually gets to achieve it. This is because totalitarianism is entirely founded on the ideology of achieving the goal such that in the event the goal is achieved then it should cease to exist. The pursuit of specific goals by different leaders for the states they ruled is considered to be the main reason for the rise of totalitarianism in Europe. As mentioned earlier, fascism was one of the main reasons for totalitarianism. This ideology was common in Germany and Italy. It originated with Mussolini Benito in his rule over the country. This ideology in which the proponents advocated for the creation of a single party state was a reaction against equality, liberty and fraternity that were being proposed by democratic nations such as France and Britain after they won the war. Fascists argued that nations and races usually are in a conflict in which only the strongest and the healthiest survive. Apart from being healthy the strongest also survive by asserting themselves against the weak through repression and in combat (Griffiths 2005). These governments prohibited and suppressed opposition and any form of criticism to the government. In Germany, races that were not German such as the Jews, Slavs and individuals who were either sick or disabled were targeted for execution as Hitler’s government sought to have a nation of pure healthy Germans. Fascism claimed that a nation was the race and hence sought to execute everyone who was not of the race of the rulers (Griffiths 2005). Fascism is also characterized by respect and love for collective organization in which individuals work together to achieve a certain goals and ideology. This formed totalitarianism in Italy and Germany. In which the citizens were organized against other individuals of other races that were considered a threat to achieving a nation that was formed of one superior race. Nazism was movement mostly in Germany which was is also referred to as National Socialism. This movement sought to spread the ideologies of Adolf Hitler’s government in Germany and the world as a whole. Nazism is argued to be a form of fascism as its characteristics are the same as those ones of fascism as it featured racism, expansion and obedience/loyalty to one leader. Hitler expected everyone to be loyal to him and executed anyone who defiled his orders. Nazism also had theories about other races which portrayed them as inferior to German Aryans and a threat to its existence hence the necessity to get rid of them. This led to the massive execution of the Jews and the disabled Germans as they were considered unfit for survival according to fascism. This ideology is therefore one of the reasons for the rise of totalitarianism in Germany and most of its neighbouring nations (Klaus Vondung 2005). Bolshevism-Stalinism was the reason for the rise of totalitarianism in Russia. Bolshevism was a movement formed by professionals who believed in military control over the country and democratic centralism such the party (Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party) took form of internal hierarchy in which individuals from other groups were not allowed to lead the party. Only these members made decisions and any party that was formed to challenge Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party it was purged (Worley, Morgan & Laporte 2002). This movement greatly supported single party state and is believed to have caused the rise of Stalinism. Stalinism refers to the form of government used by Joseph Stalin and those who were allied to his ideologies (Worley, Morgan & Laporte 2002). This ideology is sometimes referred to as red fascism as it is a form of fascism. Stalinism refers to a form of governance that is characterized by oppression of the citizens and extensive spying by the government so that individuals can not criticize or form movements to overthrow it. This system was also characterized by purging in which those who were opposed to the government ideologies were sent to prison camps or sometimes killed. The state used propaganda and established some form of cult around a leader who was a dictator so that he would have absolute control over the communist party and maintain control over all the citizens of Russia. Apart from the mentioned countries, Austria also participated in the rise of totalitarianism by supporting Nazism and Fascism. Its Prime Minister Kurt Waldheim is said to have assisted Germany in transporting Jews to dearth camps. Several other Eastern and Central European countries also got obsessed with the fascist movement (Klaus Vondung 2005). This included Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Slovakia, Lithuania and Croatia. The fascist movements in these countries were all characterized racism specifically against the Jews whom they associated with communism which they greatly despised. Spain is the only country which though fascist never got obsessed with race and believing in the ant-Jewish conspiracies that characteristic of German’s Nazism. The rise of totalitarianism in Europe during the early 20th century was mainly due to fascism. Both Nazism and Bolshevism-Stalinism which were the main movements in Europe at this time and are all forms of fascism which emphasizes on the power of the state over the citizens. A significant characteristic of these movements is racism in which each state believed in being occupied by only those who were of its race hence eliminating those who belonged to different races or had different practices than were contrary to the ideologies of the ruling government. The most affected race in Europe was the Jewish. The rise of totalitarianism in Europe can therefore be solely attributed to fascism. References Gardner, H. , Kleiner, S. & Mamiya, C. , (2005). Gardner’s Art Through The Ages: The Western Perspective. Sidney: Cengage Learning. Griffiths, R. (2005). Fascism second ed. New York, NY: Continuum International Publishing Group. Klaus Vondung, K. (2005). The Apocalypse in Germany, Columbia and London: Univ. of Missouri Press. Redles, D. (2005). Hitler’s Millennial Reich: Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation. New York, NY: New York Univ. Press. Worley, M. , Morgan, K. & Laporte, N. , (2002). Bolshevism, Stalinism And The Comintern: Perspectives On Stalinization. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An analsysis of the theme of love and deceit in Twelfth Night

An analsysis of the theme of love and deceit in Twelfth Night According to Patrick Swinden in An Introduction to Shakespeares Comedies, a comedy does not demand the the degree of concentration and belief required by tragedy. As a result, an audience of a play is amusedly aware that its all a play, a game that they are sharing with the actors. FN1 In Twelfth Night, it is the characters, almost without exception, who, in varying degrees, are involved in deception. Swinden says, Whether we look in the plot that Shakespeare took (indirectly) from the Italian, or the plot he made up to put beside it, we shall discover deceit piled on deceit. FN2 Cesario/Viola deceives Olivia, Orsino, Sir Andrew, and Sir Toby, while Maria, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Feste deceive Malvolio. In an intricate pattern of concealment and reveal-ment the play spins dizzily toward its happy resolution with all the deceptions that had, and had been, concealed revealed. Is the end of the play really a happy ending? What dynamic in the process of deception could cause Sir Andrew to disappear or force Malvolio to declare, Ill be revenged on the whole pack of you! (5.1.380)? Are the characters bettered or changed by their experiences when they arrive at the end of Act Five than when they started at the beginning of Act One? Whether it be a practical joke or a clever disguise, the games being played in Illyria simultaneously result from and protect each characters deception not only of others but also, more importantly of themselves. The clearest examples are Duke Orsino and Olivia. The games begin with Orsinos opening lines to the play: If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that surfeiting, The appetite may sicken and die (1.1.1-4). As Orsino continues to wax rhetorical and hysterical about being in love, it rapidly becomes apparent that he is playing a game with himself, which he will continue throughout the play. He is not in love, but rather in love with love. Olivia is unattainable and she has told him so repeatedly. Yet Orsino persists in making himself suffer, listening to sad love songs, writing to her, staying awake at night and crying into his pillow because he believes that this is the way someone in love acts. It is part of the game that while it may appear that Orsino is rhapsodising about Olivia, he is actually concentrating on himself. The words I, me, and mine occur ten times in the opening passage, culminating with: How will she love When live, brain, and heart, Those sovereign thrones, are all supplied and filled Her sweet perfections with one selfsame king! (35-39). Shakespeares use of selfsame intensifies not only Orsinos description of Olivia, but also his focus on himself. Throughout these lines there is a sense that Orsinos sexual identity, encased in a male body, has not yet been clearly defined, hence his necessity for adopting what he thinks are the affectations of a successful lover. Orsino begins Act Two, scene 4 in the same way he begins Act One: Give me some music (2.4.1). Here, however, Orsino requests a specific song, one overheard just the night before, as Feste, Olivias fool, sang it. How Orsino managed to overhear Festes performance is one of the mysteries of the play, but its effect on Orsino is unquestionable it did relieve my passion much (2.4.4). The songs lyrics are most depressing: Come away, come away, Death, And in sad cypress let me be laid. Fie away, fie away, breath, I am slain by a fair cruel maid; My shroud of white, all stuck with yew, O prepare it. My part of death no one so true Did share it. Not a flower, not a flower sweet On my black coffin let there be strown; Not a friend, not a friend greet My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown. A thousand thousand sighs to save Lay me, O where Sad lover never find my grave To weep there. (2.4.49-64) Although Orsino says that he heard only a piece of song (2.4.2), he also notes that it is an old and antique song (2.4.3), indicating that he knows it in its entirety. Its tune and sentiment are so powerful that it remains with him the next morning. It is possible that the song reminds Orsino that he is no longer young enough to pursue an amorous campaign, and that there will be neither lover nor child to mourn him as Olivia mourns her brother. In modern pop-psychology terminology, Orsino appears to be having a mid-life crisis. Orsinos game reaches a breaking point when Cesario interrupts his rhetoric with, Ay, but I know- (2.4.99). Orsino is shocked that this young man may have love experiences to which he has not been privy. He questions what Cesario knows about love and women, and is eager to hear the boys blank (2.4.106) story. Yet, Orsino remains oblivious to Cesarios confession: I am all the daughters of my fathers house, And all the brothers, too (2.4.116-117). Orsino seems to be uncomfortable with this very personal, very intense revelation from another man since his Ay, thats the theme (2.4.119) appears to restore his concentration to the safety and comfort of the pursuit of Olivia. Orsino decides to discard his affectations and goes to speak directly with Olivia. Whatever has transpired between him and Cesario in their three months (5.1.88) silence of Acts Three and Four has given him the strength to declare that he will be so much a sinner to be a double-dealer (5.1.27). Many productions have offered Orsino actually falling in love with Cesario, such as the 1994 RSC version which had the events of 2.4 take place in Orsinos bed. Orsino and Cesario share a passionate kiss that surprises them both, but the kiss also seems to flow from the action and its location. Trevor Nunns 1996 film moves the moment of passion to the scene during which Feste sings a love madrigal in a stable. Feste who coughs at the critical moment of their lips almost touching breaks the momentum. The interpretation is a valid one based on Orsinos customarily rhetorical proclamations of love for Cesario: Why should I not Kill what I love. (5.1.106, 108) This your minion whom, by heaven I swear I tender dearly (5.1.114-115) The lamb that I do love (5.1.119). Has Orsino fallen out of love with love and in love with Cesario? His proclamations arise from his anger at Olivias very public rejection of them as fat and fulsome to mine ear/As howling music (5.1.98-99), the same music that he has found so soothing. This anger is not generated by some newfound awareness. Swinden comments: He is talking about Cesario, not Olivia The presence on stage of both partners during the tirade brings out very delicately the ambiguity of Orsinos shift in feeling. He fails to distinguish the object of his anger from the object of his love. FN3 Even when Cesario is revealed to be Viola, his acceptance of a share in this most happy wrack (5.1.250) seems to be dependent on his seeing her in womans weeds (5.1.257). Yet it is to Viola still dressed as Cesario to whom Orsino offers his hand, not once but twice. That Orsino will not accept Viola unless she looks like a proper woman and yet offers his hand to the male vision suggests that Orsino has not surrendered completely his comfortable sexual cocoon into which he has only admitted Cesario and then only with restraint. This reticence is confirmed at the plays end when Orsino admits: Cesario come For so you shall be while you are a man, But when in other habits you are seen Orsinos mistress, and his fancys queen (5.1.362-365). In The two Antonios and Same-Sex Love in Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Venice, critic Joseph Pequigney explains that [Orsinos] attraction to Olivia, where he is heterosexually straight, like the other would-be wooers Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Malvolio, is a disaster. The love Cesario could not have changed instantaneously with the revelation of his femaleness; if it is erotic, then it would have been erotic before; what does change is that marriage suddenly becomes possible, hence the immediate proposal. FN4 This proposal is followed by a mournful song from Feste on the stages of a love life, which brings the play back to the beginning. Clearly, Orsino has not changed from the man he was: he will still have his fancy. He is as he was at the beginning of the play: he cannot totally abandon his own sexual game. In all likelihood, Viola will now become an Olivia substitute, his fancys queen. As Orsino hides behind the game of love, Olivia hides behind the game of grief cut off from love, adopting an Orsino version of mourning behaviour. Her entire household is in mourning and she daily goes to her brothers grave. As long as she grieves for her dead bother, her sexual desires can be put on hold. Grieving gives her the perfect excuse for rejecting Orsinos suit and relieves her of making a sexual investment in any man until she chooses the sight/And company of men (1.2.40-41). Unlike Orsino, Olivia has put a seven-year limit on her mourning for her father and brother of which twelvemonth has already elapsed when Viola lands in Illyria. In addition, Olivia differs from Orsino significantly since she can Sway her house, command her followers, Take and give back affairs and them dispatch With such a smooth, discreet and stable bearing (4.3.17-19). She is generous and tolerant, boarding Sir Toby and his guest, Sir Andrew, and positive in her view of the repressed Malvolio. With Festes logical and systematic stripping away of her facade, with Olivias consent, Olivia is free in a way that eludes Orsino. She demonstrates keen judgment about the affectations of love: Tis not that time of the moon with me to make one in so skipping a dialogue (1.5.164-165). She has an agile mind and is able to counter Cesarios metaphors as quickly as he issues them. She is inquisitive and only asks Cesario the necessary questions. She seems to be a realist, offering divers schedules of my beauty (1.5.200-201) in response to Cesarios lyricism. These qualities refuse to submerged even as she finds herself falling in love with Cesario: Not too fast! Soft, soft! Even so quickly may one catch the plague. Methinks I feel this youths perfections With an invisible and subtle stealth To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be. (1.5.248, 250-253) Olivia thus chooses to abandon the safety of her game and pursue Cesario with complete abandon and confidence in her womanhood. In her pursuit, free from her facade, Olivia is naively honest with herself and Cesario. She confesses in 3.1 that she sent a ring in chase of him (3.1.98). She asks him honestly, I prithee tell me what thou thinkst of me (3.1.123). Cesario attempts to repay this honesty, That you do think you are not what you are (3.1.124). Because of her naà ¯vetà ©, Olivia takes the phrase literally and assures Cesario that she is not mad. However, the line also points out that Olivia, the noblewoman, has fallen in love with a manservant, though a gentleman, and that that gentleman is actually a gentlewoman. Even so, Olivia is rational enough to realise that wit nor reason can my passion hide (3.1.137). Unlike Orsino, Olivia embraces the opportunity for sexual fulfilment with such enthusiasm that she will attempt to overcome every obstacle with actions, not moaning and words. She is quite lucid on love, Love sought is good, but givn unsought is better (3.1.141). In this sense, she is the sexual positive to Orsinos negative. Olivias views will be challenged, however, when confronted by Sebastian. Since fraternal identical twins are a biological impossibility, it would seem that Olivia would note some difference between Cesario and Sebastian. But in the throes of sacrificing love, she would rather soothe her beloveds ire with tales of how many fruitless pranks have been instigated by Sir Toby than launch an investigation into any differences that may exist between the sister and brother. For his part, Sebastian seems to think that nature caused Olivias consistency in being sexually attracted to a woman who looks just like him. But like Orsino, Olivia is eager for the sexual experience promised by marriage. Olivia is actually very much steeped in Orsinos selfsame deception. She was in love with the image of a man, not a man, admitting she was suffering from a most extracting frenzy of mine own (5.1.265). With this admission, Olivia too returns to being as she was at the beginning, involved in a self-deceiving sexual game, as Cesario had lamented: Poor lady, she were better love a dream (2.2.23). Although Sebastian notes that he sees the reality and thinks it a dream, Olivias relationship with Sebastian will ostensibly have to be re-defined, as will Orsinos with Viola. Pequigney observes: Like Orsino, Olivia goes through a homoerotic phase that lasts through and beyond betrothal; both have experiences that evince their bisexuality. Nor do they ever pass beyond it, for the sine qua non of their psychological development his away from fruitless doting on her, hers away from fixation on a dead brother and it has a crucial, integral, and unerasable part in both their love stories, that of Orsino with Cesario/Viola and that of Olivia with Cesario/Sebastian. FN5 Twelfth Night not only asks the comic question of how an individual gets out of tune with society, but also the tragic question of why the individual behaves this way, and why society insists upon its standards. FN6 This play is unique in that it asks these questions simultaneously, and within the context of the sexual games of the play, the answers can be found in the most basic and defining activity of human kind: sex.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Group Motivation Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Group Motivation Inventory - Essay Example The persons that form a group are dependent upon one another in the performance of the group's activity, and any change in one group member influences change in the other members. Our team had an evaluation. The evaluation was meant to explore other group concepts. Questionnaires were handed out to each of my group mates. The following observations were drawn out from the evaluation. Through this exercise, I have learned that I, as a member, should understand the group's purpose and believe in the value of the objectives and the ability of other members so that I can contribute meaningfully to the group product. A group will be ineffective if the task and expected outcome are not clear. The effectiveness of a group is directly related to the degree that a primary goal is shared and acted upon among the members. I have also observed that a group is small enough for the members to have general awareness of each other and large enough to contain a variety of knowledge, skills, and perceptions to develop a high-quality product. For example, in a problem-solving group Marvin R. Gottlieb stated in his book Managing Group Process that the most efficient number is between five and seven members. With less than five, a group lacks the diversity of input necessary for a broad perspective and consideration of various points of view. When the group exceeds seven members, on the other hand, there is a tendency for developing hierarchies and subgroups. With these developed sects, unequal status is ascribed to various group members. Unequal status results to unequal power in influencing a group's decision. I have also come to a conclusion that there must be a clear definition of group members' relationships with one another. Group roles, whether assigned or assumed, must be consistent with the knowledge or skill set of each individual. These roles are generally accepted by everyone and remain relatively stable throughout the process. In addition, I have also learned that the work of the group must be shared equally so everyone feels that all are doing a fair share. With the aforementioned knowledge, I now know the significance of abiding by group norms. How I interact in groups will surely improve for the better because I am now even more aware of the consequences that come with irresponsibility and indifference. For future groups to come, I will try even harder to do what is expected of me by my group mates. I will make sure I always attend meetings, be punctual and participate on meetings on a regular basis. I will always observe speaking in turn being careful not to interrupt others. I will accept assignments that are due me and complete them on time. And I will not fail to demonstrate enthusiasm for the group's work. Our evaluation results indicate a highly motivated group but still there is room for improvement. Personal satisfaction from participating in the group's activities is a motivation for group work, thus every member should feel satisfied when doing their share. Personal satisfaction can come from an altruistic perspective, such as feeling good about the work the group is doing because it is perceived as inherently "good" for the society. Or it can come from career building, affiliation with a group that has status, or other recognition motives. To further motivate a group, a timeline

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mine water and mine waste management Assignment

Mine water and mine waste management - Assignment Example ocess of applications: 1) that water is sliced off from a natural resource to become part of the working process in mining operations, and to also provide fresh water to the crew; and 2) that natural water resources must be diverted away from the area in order to continue providing clean and environmentally safe resources to surrounding towns and to the natural habitat (Watson & Furey, 2013). Diversion channels assist above ground to moving stream and lake waters away from mining operations. At the same time, channel infrastructures must also be designed to isolate water at the mine from one process to the next one, whether the water is to be cleaned or else mixed with waste (rock and tailings), or used in another part of the mining process. This chapter reviews the components of mine water and mine waste as part of the waste management infrastructure. The following image shows the management design layout for the separations of solid waste on the one side, and mine water drainage on the other side, particular to a copper mine operation (Mining Profile, 2012). In the mining industry, the term â€Å"waste,† as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, is based on the specific circumstances of causation and in what part of the management process. In some cases, â€Å"waste† is not really a waste, based on the RCRA, such as when considering mine water or process wastewater, which is controlled by permit through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) (Mining Profile, 2012). Mine water, therefore, does not fall under the RCRA regulations. 1.1.a. Waste Rock refers to both â€Å"overburden† and mine development rock which is removed from underground mines in order to access the bodies of ore located underneath. There is none, or very little of, recoverable mineral value in either type. As waste rock is susceptible to air and water, once hauled to disposal dumps, potentially, there will be oxygen and sulphide minerals

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Economics of Airlines and airport Case Study

The Economics of Airlines and airport - Case Study Example It was approved by the Government on the basis of figures that were provided by Oxford Economic Forecasting in two reports commissioned by the aviation industry, and which projected economic benefit to the UK of 5 billion pounds over a period of 70 years (BBC report). The benefits from the use of all existing runways before expansion was estimated to be 6.7 billion pounds, with costs being 1.9 billion pounds and net benefits being 4.9 billion pounds.(Dept of T, 2003). Estimated investments made into Heathrow were 3599 million in the last ten years, with projected investments over the next ten years being 6398 million, with a net economic contribution of 5 billion pounds to the economy( In the graph above, Series 1 represents the total benefits of the construction, Series 2 represents the costs associated with the construction, while Series 3 represents the new benefits of the construction. The Government finally commissioned one new terminal at Heathrow airport, which has just become functional and this expansion was justified on the basis of the projected gains of 5 billion pounds. ... Estimated investments made into Heathrow were 3599 million in the last ten years, with projected investments over the next ten years being 6398 million, with a net economic contribution of 5 billion pounds to the economy( However, with the expansion of Heathrow airport to include one additional terminal, the economic benefits were projected as follows: (Source: DT, 2003). In the graph above, Series 1 represents the total benefits of the construction, Series 2 represents the costs associated with the construction, while Series 3 represents the new benefits of the construction. The Government finally commissioned one new terminal at Heathrow airport, which has just become functional and this expansion was justified on the basis of the projected gains of 5 billion pounds. The arguments that have been advanced suggest that an expansion of Heathrow through the additional terminal will contribute to better management of passenger traffic and provide effective transportation with other European airports, which are emerging as attractive destinations ( But a Report on the Heathrow expansion questions whether it is really necessary and concludes that the competitiveness of the airport will not necessarily be impacted negatively without it ( Social and Environmental aspects The Department of Transport in 2000, produced forecasts for air traffic and according to this, there are likely to be 400 million passengers per

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mgt a 2 r Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mgt a 2 r - Essay Example It is true to say that recruiters at the annual career fair of the Miami University of Oxford have been demonstrating biasness in acquiring of personnel for their organizations. In this case, the bias hiring of employees is an unconscious unethical behavior on their part. It is bias in nature to only hire Miami graduates into their company because graduates from different institutions are not considered as potential candidates for roles in the represented organizations. The decision is considered unconscious because the recruiter who is an Alumnus of the University may be fixed to the notion that the institution produces highly qualified individuals or the reason the organization placed them, as a recruiter at the University was to fetch another graduate. The two decisions made by the recruiter are based on the background of the candidate that is affiliation to the learning institution and credit claim. Favoritism is a term used to refer to granting a favor to someone because of background similarity. In doing so, one eliminates those from different backgrounds (Banaji, Mahzarin, Max, and Dolly 5). The unethical behavior affects the performance of an organization in the long term. People belonging to the same background do not necessarily mean they possess the same talents that an organization requires. Unwanted talents or lack of the necessary talents in an organization is a liability. Investing resources in individuals who contribute to the organization minimally in terms of earning revenue is a financial loss to a business. Expenditure that exceeds revenue is an indication of business failure. For this reason, the recruitment strategy that the organizations apply in acquiring personnel in reference to the annual Career Fair of Miami University is a fail on the part of managers for it affects an organization’s performance

Legal Profession Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Legal Profession - Personal Statement Example But people with a flair for the job, may not require it at all. "You are the final judge of your own psychological type" according to Isabel Briggs Myers-[website career]. A basic principle is that "humans are complex" [website]. Another principle worth remembering is that the MBTI "does not stereotype people" [website careerplanning .com-29-04-09]. These indicate that while training may be useful, it has no universal applicability. Stature: A lawyer's profession is one of the best in the world. A lawyer occupies a high position in society. We can see that a large percentage of the world's celebrities like Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors etc. had their start as lawyers. A degree in law is the qualification for the job. I will acquire it. A lawyer can set up an independent practice or take up a salaried job. The income will be high, running into 5 or 6 digits. Lawyers have plenty of openings in banks, business corporations, industrial units etc as legal officers. Banks, Business Corporations like the Nokia, and Airlines are three specific fields which hire lawyers. I had a personal interview with a 26 year old lawyer. He was smart and alert, brimming with confidence and fearlessness. Soon after his joining, he shot up into the limelight by winning a couple of sensational cases. Now he is very popular and people from far away come to engage him.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Planning - Essay Example The Marketing Planning is also defined as the process that motivates the marketing personnel to look internally in order to fully understand the results of past marketing decisions and to look externally in order to fully understand the market in which they operate. It also sets future goals and provides direction for future marketing efforts that everyone within the organization should understand and support. It is a key component in obtaining funding to pursue new initiatives. SBU stands for Strategic Business Unit. It is one of the crucial component in marketing planning. SBU is understood as a business unit with in the overall corporate identity which is identifiable from other business because it serves a defined external market where management can conduct strategic planning in relation to products and markets. When companies become really large, they are best thought of as being composed of a number of SBUs. A SBU is a unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from the other businesses. An SBU can be a company division, a product line or even individual brands and it all depends on how the company is organized. An independent grouping of organizations, products or technologies within a parent organization, with complete resource and profit responsibility for serving an identified markets (FN1). These organizational entities are large enough and homogeneous enough to exercise control over most strategic factors affecting their performance. They are managed as self contained planning units for which separate business strategies can be developed. A Strategic Business Unit can encompass an entire company, or can simply be a smaller part of a company set up to perform a specific task. The SBU has its own business strategy, objectives and competitors and these will be different from those of the parent company. The marketing planning is a dynamic process which has to be highly

Friday, August 23, 2019

Schoolsand Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Schoolsand Community - Essay Example Members of the congregation use the congregation and synagogue to nurture their souls and connection to God, to educate our children as well as themselves, to cultivate leadership among all congregants, to celebrate our joys, to comfort those among us who are suffering, to serve the community and the world at large, and to promote peace and understanding in everyday actions and overall personnel and professional lives. The great traditions of Judaism are preserved, responding to the current concerns of our community and the world with a plan for a future of sacred engagement for generations to come. Any community needs education in order to provide conformity in belief systems and practices. Socialization provides for a part of the development of focus and meaning within the members of the community on what values are treasured and what is in violation of those values. Specific education also provides an opportunity for the congregation to develop a set of beliefs that supports the o verall well-being of each of the members as they function within the society as productive and supportive members. The mission of the intended program will be to meet some of the needs in the congregation through keeping up on advancement of skills for educators so that the efforts to draw in community members to the congregation can be supported. Two specific and critical areas that are currently in need of solutions to fill the observable gaps in the current structure have been identified. These critical areas are: 1. Enhancing each teacher’s ability and resources for critical thinking, self-reflection and improving teaching methods. 2. Discovering ways to engage new families and new members to join and engage in religious school and synagogue involvement in order to keep the synagogue’s mission of a vibrant community which is based on sharing the lessons from Jewish history. These two concepts have been used to frame the mission of this program so that specific obje ctives and goals could be identified. The following objectives and goals will help to define the process of designing the program towards an overall successful outcome. Objectives 1. To determine the best possible structure through which to educate teachers and mentors within the synagogue so that they can then use that knowledge in the teaching opportunities within the synagogue’s community 2. Determining the factors that need to be assessed on a regular basis in order to define how an assessment program can be developed to support the needs within the educational program. 3. Developing a budget for the educational programs. Goals 1. Keeping teachers educated in current trends in early childhood development and using this knowledge to enhance the education offered at the synagogue to parents and the wider congregation in support of developing Jewish Life educational opportunities. 2. Creating an assessment program in order to determine the success or gaps in the educational programs, maximizing the reflective process in order to fully understand if the programs are on course or need adjustment. 3. Optimize appropriate fund raising opportunities to support the budget. In order to develop a foundation from which to design this program, the following values will help to guide the development of the program. These are the six pillars of faith that support the development of all of the functions within the community, defining the members as a people and supporting their values and belief systems. These are the core values and they represent what the synagogue holds sacred. †¢Torah (â€Å"Teaching†): We nurture meaningful connection to God and to the core ethics and values

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Community Colleges vs College Universites- Compare Contrast Essay Example for Free

Community Colleges vs College Universites- Compare Contrast Essay When graduating high school many students are concerned with choices they have to make as to which college they would like to attend. Some may have more options than others that have to be considered as far as their lifestyle, current jobs, other responsibilities they may have, personality and their academic goals. Choosing a college can be quite difficult. You can either decide on a college university or the local community colleges in your area. Community colleges are smaller than universities. Students will find them to have fewer enrollments which mean smaller classroom sizes. They have a better chance of getting hands on learning, asking more questions and learning course material better. Community colleges have strong advising systems and the advisers know their students well. The courses are usually taught by professors unlike some universities whose courses may taught by grad students. Small colleges as these do not offer near as many courses or academic programs as universities. Tuition at community colleges are so much more cheaper than universities, you may have tuition as much as $3,500. 00 to 5,500. 00 at community colleges versus $30,000. 00 to $50,000. 00 at universities and that itself is a great deal to consider. Another great thing about attending a local community college in your area is that most people can drive back and forth from their own home. They do not have to worry about dorm cost or finding apartments to rent when going away to college universities. College Universities may be for you if you’re interested in having much more degree programs to choose from, if you’re a go getter, not afraid to speak up for yourself and take advantage of opportunities. You may also want to attend a university if you are ready to get away and adventure out from your hometown and meet a whole new diversity of thousands of people. If attending a university you can expect a much higher number of students than a community college. Universities have a wide range of majors and class courses. They tend to have better stocked libraries for all of your researching needs. A lot of students choose universities because of the more programs that are offered and they feel when graduating from a university it looks a lot better having a diploma from a university than community college when applying for a job you have majored in. They also like the fact that there are many activities and a large number of sporting events. They also have a chance to break free and are not tied down at home with their parents. Succeeding at a university requires knowing what areas or subjects you are interested in and motivated about pursuing. Class sizes can contain up to hundreds of students and with that many people in one classroom it can be very hard to keep focus, ask questions and get hands on learning like you can at community colleges. Some students love the environment and find it exciting with that many students but on the other hand others feel depressed and overwhelmed because they may not be able to ask questions and find out the exact information they need to learn. Students who attend universities can be ready to hit the books hard each week and be sure to have a lot of study time. Professors are going to expect a great deal of their students and pile a lot of work on them at one time because they are considered as top-notch schools and they want their students to be well educated and really know the material. It can be very stressful for students who work jobs while in college but they have to make money and support themselves some way or another. Even though universities require a lot of work, students still find time to participate in extracurricular activities such as student organizations or community services. Some even join fraternities and sororities. Universities are likely to have great athletic teams and have a NCAA Divisions with games that are on television. Students love to support their college by wearing school colors on game day and attending all of their games whether they are home or away. Students enjoy the tailgating and party time that comes along with the games, too! Students will either live on the college campus or just a short distance off campus. Most students who stay in dorms have roommates. Some may know their roommates and others may be complete strangers and it can be very uncomfortable for them until they learn who and what kind of person they are. You must expect to sleep in the same room as your roommate, share the bathroom and have no privacy. It’s takes a lot amount of time to get from one place to another on a college university campus because of the number of students. You can expect a rush during lunch hour and a timely wait. There will also be very long lines when trying to register for classes and buying books. It’s up to the person where they choose to attend college. Community colleges and Universities can be very similar but again it’s a whole new world especially when living on a University Campus.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

An Analysis Of Service Operations

An Analysis Of Service Operations Over the last decade, we saw an exponential growth in Lean and Six Sigma approaches. Recently the combination of Lean with Six Sigma as an improvement approach has captured the attentions of academia and industry. Lean Six Sigma was widely used in manufacturing sectors but can also be used in administration and service areas (Snee and Hoerl, 2004). Companies adopting Lean or Six Sigma have reported an increase in financial performance within a short term (Thomas, Barton et al., 2009), cost reduction (Anchanga 2006), improvement in customer satisfaction and cost saving (Sharma 2003). On the other hand, not all the companies that implement a continuous Improvement programme have been able to capture its entire economic benefits (Cusumano 1994; Sharma 2003). The objective of this essay is to demonstrate the power of Lean Six Sigma in the manufacturing and service sectors of business. Two case studies relating to both the business areas are discussed along with the significant benefits a nd drawbacks to its use in such areas. Review of literature As the name suggests, lean Six Sigma is an integration of lean and Six Sigma philosophies, principles and tools (Sheridan, 2000). Lean Six Sigma makes use of the knowledge, methods and tools resulting from decades of operational improvement research and implementation. Goal of Lean Six Sigma is growth and effectiveness and not just cost-cutting efficiency. According to Bendell (2006), the adoption of lean Six Sigma as a process improvement is yet to be fully established in particular area of academic research. Full potential of lean Six Sigma have not been realised (Smith, 2003).This failure is due to the lack of commitment from management (Cusumano, 1994). Lean focuses on reducing cost through process optimization and also on waste elimination in existing processes. Six Sigma is all about stakeholder expectations and meeting customer requirements. It also improves quality by measuring and eliminating defects. Both these approaches are implemented in isolation (Smith, 2003),leading to conflict of interest and draining of resources due to the creation of lean and six sigma subcultures that is emerged within the organization (Bendell, 2006). According to George (2003), Lean and Six Sigma help companies to deliver products and services at a faster pace without defects at minimum cost. Lean manufacturing focus on process flow and waste while Six Sigma focuses on variation and design. The below figure shows the DMAIC framework on which the Six Sigma projects are built. The five phases of DMAIC are Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control. To improve the process speed and efficiency within the project, Lean Methods are used within the DMAIC framework to augment Six Sigma tools. Source: IBM Global Business Services analysis. Six Sigma complements Lean in three different ways (George 2003) by Providing senior management commitment and cultural infrastructure that cannot be generated by Lean initiatives. Having customer at the center of its activity and this is not seen in Lean approach. Reduce variation that cannot be achieved by lean tools and techniques. Lean complements Six Sigma in Four different ways (George 2003) by Non-value added activities are identified. Eliminating the non-value added activities improves and benefits Six Sigma. Process responsiveness and speed is improved. Speed and rapid response is increased with lean tools. Arnheiter and Maleyeff (2005) outlines the benefits when lean and Six Sigma are integrated. Companies use a set of tools that are common to both approaches ie tools like 5 why, Scatter diagram, Histograms, Pareto, Cause and Effect and Poka Yoke (Kumar et al., 2006). Table I shows the key lean implementation steps with the Six Sigma tools that can be used to complete each task. Source: (Pepper and Spedding, 2009). In an organization Six Sigma is implemented only by few specific individuals, whereas lean is used by everyone to identify and eliminate non-value adding activities(Higgins, 2005). Employees have true ownership of the process even at higher-level process analysis stage due to the integration of lean Six Sigma. According to Harrison(2006),Neither lean nor Six Sigma is very effective when implemented in isolation because of their forced needs within the organization. Smith (2003) says that this will result in the creation of two subcultures competing for the same resources. End objective of both the approach is to achieve quality throughout the process. According to Arnheiter and Maleyeff (2005), continuous improvement of process is difficult if the approach is implemented alone. Organizations find it effective if implemented alone but after the initial improvement there is no improvement in the process. In order to avoid this lean approach should combine the use of targeted data to ma ke decisions and also to approach quality in a more scientific way within the system. On the other hand, it is necessary that the Six Sigma adopts a wider system approach, by considering the effects of waste on the system as a whole. These approaches are considered to be ineffective by many people and they feel that the blending of these approaches leads to ineffectiveness and led to some criticism in the literature. Bendell (2006) who has vast experience as both practitioner and as an academician argues that lean Six Sigma for becoming ill-defined philosophies, thus becoming a less effective tool. Bendell feels that it would be beneficial if there is a single approach combining the effectiveness of both the lean and Six Sigma approaches. This emphasizes the fact that consultants have provided a number of consultancy models for lean Six Sigma which is available on the World Wide Web. Methodologies used by these consultants are without any logical explanation and theoretical support or explanation for choosing the techniques. Taking a practitioner view, Spector and West (2006) says that when practitioners adopt lean and Six Sigma involve in many projects that yields insufficient results due to the time required to complete them. According to Mika(2006) both the approaches are not compatible with one another because lean is open to workers and encourages teamwork whereas six sigma is not available to the average worker on the floor. The use of lean tools and techniques identifies important areas that can be leveraged by Six Sigma techniques and also to arrange the information flow to run the system by providing continuous feedback (Pepper and Spedding, 2009). In few literatures, the main concerns when building a new and a complete framework for lean six sigma is that it focuses on process and strategy and that it should strike a balance between complexity and sustainability and finally structured around the type of problem thats encountered and by recognizing the advantages of both these approaches. Findings Lean Six Sigma approach in Healthcare related to service operation and small engineering company of manufacturing sector case is discussed below. Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare(de Koning et al., 2006) Like any other service operation, Healthcare needs to remain cost efficient, competitive and up-to-date. This can be achieved by using Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare sectors. George (2003) describes innovative work on Lean Six Sigma at Stanford Hospital and Clinics. Let us take the case where lean Six Sigma is used by Red Cross Hospital in Netherlands. Worldwide the cost of medical care is increasing at an alarming speed. Unnecessary operational inefficiency leads to increase expenditure in healthcare. In order to improve quality wastefulness has to be measured. Medical service delivery process has led to operational inefficiency. First quality improvement techniques were initiated followed by six Sigma, lean and then lean Six Sigma. In 2002 the Hospital started using Six Sigma and found that this methodology provided solutions to many of the below mentioned problems identified by top management. At times absence of important business case. Absence of Project-tracking system. Failed method for project management and control. Many incomplete projects. Lean Six Sigma projects in healthcare include both the medical as well as the administrative problems. Quality improvement is not only to address defects like medication errors but can be widened to various fields of application. The kind of problems tackled in healthcare are shortening the length of stay in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients Errors related to invoices received from temporary agencies are reduced. Revision of payment terms. Number of patients needing intravenous antibiotics is reduced. Intravenous medications preparation time is shortened. The Red Cross Hospital involvement shows the vital elements of the Lean Six Sigma approach. These are: Organizational infrastructure of Six Sigma applied. Quality improvement deployment focused on each project. Training employees leading to evolving organizational ability for innovation . Selection of projects had a strategic focus. A serious budget cut was imposed on the Red Cross Hospital. This demanded a strict focus on cost reductions while keeping quality on focus. The clinic needs profitability to sustain its operations as the fixed costs cannot control the operations. Lean Six Sigma in a small engineering company (Thomas, 2009) To enhance manufacturing operations, companies use Lean Six Sigma. small engineering company (Thomas, Barton et al. 2009) is a leader in seating systems for automotive and aerospace industries. Manufactured products are supplied to worldwide markets increasing the competition from low cost countries and the need to be responsive to customers led the company to adopt lean. The company preferred to create in-house expertise to process systems development as consultants were ineffective. When the company moved into the high-value markets its profit increased by manufacturing less products, higher quality and the delivery requirements were tight. This lead to the need to use lean Six Sigma to respond effectively to the unpredictable customer demands. The company had the potential to innovate continuously along with the awareness in infrastructure quality and investment. This approach provided the company with a simple structure but an effective one which resulted in the manufacturing operations and product capabilities improvements. Discussion Based on the literature review, the advantages and disadvantages for the above mentioned case studies using Lean Six Sigma is discussed below. Advantages/benefits when introducing lean six sigma Improved Quality When concentrating on the product development and production, the number of defects in the manufactured products is reduced as the problems are identified in the manufacturing process. This results in waste elimination, improving efficiency and increased customer loyalty towards the product. Reduced waste Wastes are eliminated in order to protect the product and the reputation of the organization. Improvement of cash flow Products are made to order thus reducing the inventory and increasing the available cash. Safer working environment Workers and customer safety is considered when using lean Six Sigma within an organization, thus reducing accidents. Customer Expectations Organizations use lean Six Sigma in order to satisfy and to meet the customer demands. Changes a companys culture Manufacturing processes are viewed from different perspectives. Employees at various levels in the process make decisions by relying on data than giving importance to gut feelings. The implementation of lean Six Sigma can be done on a trial and error ie by introducing it within a department before implementing it across the whole organization. Having in-house expertise to process systems development saves cost. The company developed advanced maintenance techniques with fewer breakdowns by using TPM. Products are delivered at the right time. Cycle time is reduced. Complexity in hiring personnel resulting in reduced rework and major cost savings. Starting times of the operation theatre was reduced resulting in further improvement of the process. Maintenance resulted in fewer complained and increase in revenue. Disadvantages/drawbacks when introducing lean Six Sigma Lack of vision affects the LSS implementation. Implement the LSS tools and techniques solely depend on the experts having high skills. Only LSS tools and techniques are used to solve all the problems. Cannot be implemented when timeline expectation is short. Cannot be used when the business is beyond repair. Requires full commitment from top management. Minimum amount of resources is at least required. The effectiveness of few tools and techniques were limited due to the inadequate statistical data. Conclusion It is obvious that the lean thinking and scientific improvement standard of Six Sigma have led to success across industries. When fused together both the approaches become a powerful tool. Lean Six Sigma can be used in all sectors within any industry and does not only relate to manufacturing sector. In this essay we discussed the advantages and disadvantages in using Lean Six Sigma approach. Innovations are necessary in the service delivery process. We also discussed that operational improvement was the main motive for organizations using Lean Six Sigma leading to performance improvements, cost reduction and customer satisfaction. Literature review also highlighted the possible ways of using both the approach. For a company to have employees trained is an added benefit. Using Lean Six Sigma companies should focus on doing better things than just to do things better.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Role of mTOR in Pain

Role of mTOR in Pain Juliette Lanskey Introduction Pain perception protects the human body from damage, yet when the underlying mechanisms are disrupted pain can become a debilitating condition. There are almost 10 million Britains that suffer from pain on a daily basis affecting not only their personal wellbeing and quality of life but also the economy. Back pain is an example of chronic pain and back pain alone costs the NHS around  £5billion per annum and it was reported that 4.9 million days are lost per year to british businesses ( Unfortunately, understanding the mechanisms that go awry leading to pain that is more harmful than beneficial is proving challenging. As a result, there is a deficit in treatments available to control chronic pain despite much research. There is therefore an urgent requirement to understand the mechanisms underlying pain perception in order for the development of therapeutics to reduce the sufferings of humans and the economy. This dissertation shall focus on a potential target, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which recent research has highlighted as playing a significant role in chronic pain. Pain Pathways The processing of painful stimuli by the nervous system is termed nociception. Pain is nociception with additional psychological and emotional inputs. Noxious stimuli cause an action potential to run through a specialised set of neurons termed by Sherrington in 1906 as nociceptors; the pain neurons. Nociceptors have free nerve endings to detect noxious stimuli and can be classified into two main groups taking messages from the periphery to the central nervous system, called Aà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¤ and C fibres. Aà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¤ fibres are medium-diameter, mylinated neurons and this myelination and wider diameter allows rapid signal conduction. It is the Aà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¤ fibres that transmit the first, sharp, localised pain of an injury whilst C fibres which are small-diameter, unmyelinated neurons transmit slow, diffuse, secondary pain 2009CELLULARANDMOLECULAR. Hence Aà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¤ fibres are crucial in rapidly signalling an injury whilst the slow, burning pain from C fibres is important for protecti on during the healing period. These primary afferent nociceptors transfer messages from the periphery to the dorsal horn of the spinal chord. The dorsal horn is particularly important for processing and modulating noxious information. The dorsal horn is composed of six rexed laminae with transition zones approximately dividing different cell types. Indeed, nociceptors terminate in particular laminae. The majority of Aà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¤ fibres terminate densely in lamina I, though some do also terminate in lamina V. C fibres mainly terminate in laminae I and II, although there are also a few C fibre terminations in lamina V. Thus the majority of neurons which terminate in the superficial dorsal horn specifically respond to noxious stimuli while neurons terminating deeper in the dorsal horn tend to respond to innocurous touch (large diameter, rapid conducting Aà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢ fibres transmit such innocuous information CELLULARANDMECHANMECHS2009). It is within the dorsal horn that nociceptors synapse onto central projection neurons which transmit the noxious information up to the brain. The main central pathways run up to the brain via the thalamus or brainstem and terminate in areas such as the periaqueductal grey and the parabrachial nucleus REF. There are also descending pain pathways originating in the periaqueductal grey, rostral ventral medulla and coeruleus which pass signals to the dorsal horn modulating nociception. There are also modulating circuits in the dorsal horn composing of exitatory and inhibitory interneurons contacting further neurons in the spinal cord (Fields2006thesis). Nociceptors have a pseudo-unipolar morphology allowing bidirectional signalling. This means that nociceptors are able to transmit action potentials antidromically from the the central nervous system to the nociceptor terminals (Dubin, 2010). A result of central processing is increased sensitivity of the area at and around a site of tissue damage or inflammation (PUBHUNT). A chemical soup of cytokines and growth factors is released at the site of injury and causes an increase in the sensitivity of a subset of surrounding nociceptors. This means that these nociceptors have a reduced threshold for noxious stimuli (thus will now respond to less intense stimuli than before) and also an increased response to noxious stimuli. This sensitisation of neurons at the site of injury is called primary hyperalgesia. mTOR inhibitors do not affect primary hyperalgesia and thus it is unlikely mTOR is involved, however there is another phenomenon called secondary hyperalgesia which mTOR does seem to be involved in. Secondary hyperalgesia is when a set of neurons not directly at the site of injury but in the surrounding, undamaged area undergo an increase in sensitivity due to central processing (pubhunt). Recent studies have demonstrated t hat the mTOR plays a role in creating this sensitivity. Acute pain is the pain that follows immediately after an injury to protect the body from further damage and aid the process of healing but when pain exists for more than 3 months it is defined as chronic pain (SITETHESISMerskey and Bogduk, 1994; Russo and Brose, 1998). This chronic pain does not protect the body but rather hinders the quality of life. The pathology of chronic pain often consists of decreased pain thresholds and increased response to stimsuli; the nociceptors are more sensitive. Moreover, whilst nociceptors are generally silent, firing action potentials only when stimulated (dubin2010), in chronic pain, there is an increased tendency for spontaneous activity (JULIUSANDBASBAUMTHESIS). Altogether, chronic pain leads to allodynia (pain from a normally non-noxious stimulus), hyperalgesia (heightened sensitivity to noxious stimuli) and spontaneous pain. mtor The mammalian target of rapamycin is a regulator a number of cellular processes including synaptic plasticity, protein synthesis and cellular metabolism (XONCUETALTHESIS). It is a molecule belonging to the kinase family and forms two complexes with raptor; mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). It is when part of these complexes that it administrates its cellular functions though much more is known about mTORC1 and so it is predominantly the role of mTORC1 in pain perception that this dissertation shall focus on. Signalling cascade There is a signalling cascade involving mTOR, the downstream targets of which lead to cellular activities resulting in the organisation of the cytoskeleton, the regulation of metabolism and cell survival (wullschlegerTHESIS). The signalling cascade is initiated by a signal such as a neurotransmitter acting on transmembrane receptors which activate phosphoinosital 3 kinase-AKT pathway. This results in the phosphorylation and thereby the activation of mTOR. Phosphorylated mTOR in turn phosphorylates the 4E-binding protein and in this phosphorylated state the 4E-binding protein is unable to bind and thus inhibit a protein called eIF4E. So when mTOR is activated it has the downstream affect of enabling eIF4E to associate with eIF4G, this is an essential step for initiating translation (TJ PRICE GERANTON). The fact that mTOR plays such a significant role in the regulation of translation is a hint of its importance in pain plasticity. Previously, it was thought by some that translation could only occur in the cell soma. However, others noted both the half-life of axonal proteins and the time it takes for a protein to travel down the length of the axon and concluded that the axoplasmic transport is too slow for protein synthesis only to occur in the cell soma HUNT. Indeed, following the discovery of ribosomes and ‘Golgi outposts’ in dendritic spines it is now believed that local protein synthesis at the sites of dendritic synapses plays a significant role in plasticity (2009REVIEW). Research demonstrates that chronic pain arises as a result of plastic changes that occur during persistent acute pain. During any pain there are noxious signals to the central nervous system enabling the pain to be perceived, if these signals persist it has been shown that this causes and maintains plastic changes that result in chronic pain. Indeed, it has been shown through advanced structural imaging methods that there are large scale alterations in the brain structure of sufferers of chronic pain CHRONICPAINPLASTICITY. There is relatively little research into the possibilities of targeting this pain plasticity to help patients cope with chronic pain in comparison with genetic studies. It is consequentially an exciting new avenue of exploration and the role of mTOR in pain plasticity is of particular interest. EARLIER As mTOR plays such a crucial role in cellular function it is unsurprising that mTOR dysfunction is believe to be involved in a number of maladies. The role of mTOR in cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration is being explored and a number of mTOR inhibitors have already been tested for treating certain maladies. For example†¦..This has demonstrated that mTOR inhibitors are potential treatment regimes BUT THERE ARE SIDEEFFECTS MTOR THESIS MTOR SIGNALLING MTOR PLASTICITY see 2009reviewnociception and AMPKPG 6 is v good Dealing with pain MTOR AND RESEARCH thesis 2 Pain Pathways and Plasticity 3 The mammalian target of rapamycin 2007 Decreased Nociceptive Sensitization in Mice Lacking the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein: Role of mGluR1/5 and mTOR – mTOR’s role in nociceptive synaptic plasticity through translation regulation; ‘ the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin inhibited formalin- and DHPG-induced nociception’ †¦. mTOR is a major regulator of protein synthesis for it controls the initiation of translation (PUBLISHEDHUNT2009). It is thought that by controlling protein translation it maintains the sensitivity of nociceptors following local injury. Targetting mTOR could reduce the secondary hyperalgesia that occurs from pain and thus help patients cope with pain†¦ 4 The mTOR signalling cascade Unicellular organisms that are sensitive to nutrient availability in their environment control translation via a rapamycin-sensitive translation pathway. This process is controlled by a protein kinase, TOR, which is blocked by rapamycin. Interestingly, neurons appear to have co-opted this evolutionarily conserved mechanism to control activity-dependent local translation. Mammalian TOR, or mTOR, is activated by neurotransmitter receptor signaling cascades and phosphorylates downstream factors that control translation. Hence, mTOR is intricately involved in synaptic plasticity in the CNS, a mechanism that is linked to its role in controlling translation in dendrites (Jaworskiet al., 2006). The major mechanism of mTOR-regulated translation is control of the initiation of cap-dependent translation (depicted in Fig 1) (Gingras et al., 2004). This occurs because one of the major targets of mTOR phosphorylation is the elongation associated factor 4E-BP (Gingraset al., 1999). 4E-BP binds c c ap-binding factor eIF4E and, when it is hypo-phosphorylated, inhibits the formation of the eIF4E/eIF4G elongation complex preventing translation. When 4E-BP is hyper-phosphorylated, 4E-BP dissociates from eIF4E allowing eIF4G binding and the initiation of cap-dependent translation. Recently a small molecule inhibitor of eIF4G binding to eIF4E was discovered (4EGI-1) and this molecule inhibits cap-dependent translation (Moerke et al., 2007). Hence, mTOR is crucial for regulating activity-dependent translation in neurons via its regulation of elongation factors (Bankoet al., 2006; Tanget al., 2002; Tsokaset al., 2007) and the mTOR pathway is amenable to specific pharmacological manipulation. 6 Experiments suggesting inhibiting mTOR could help control pain 2007 Decreased Nociceptive Sensitization in Mice Lacking the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein: Role of mGluR1/5 and mTOR – mTOR’s role in nociceptive synaptic plasticity through translation regulation; ‘ the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin inhibited formalin- and DHPG-induced nociception’ NOT THAT RELEVANT – basically saying that because of mutation translation can’t happen properly†¦meaning mTOR has less control. However there is a subsection with rapamycin injections which does show decreased nociception with rapamycin 2011 – systemic inhibition of mTOR – mTOR regulation of nociceptive sensitivity; ‘ inhibiting the mTORC1 pathway systemically alleviated mechanical hypersensitivity in mouse models’ Good intro relating mTOR to chronic pain Local cutaneous intrathecal administration of rapamycin blocks activation of downstream targets of mTORC1 alleviating mechanical hypersensitivity – 21, 29 3 43 46 62 SHOULD PUT 1 OR 2 LOCAL EXPERIMENTS BEFORE THIS ONE If targeting mTORC1 signaling pathway has a potential thera- peutic application for controlling chronic pain, systemic rather than local administration (as has been used previously [21,29]) requires further investigation. Here we examined the effective- ness of temsirolimus (CCI-779), a clinically used rapamycin ester derivative, given systemically

Monday, August 19, 2019

Thank You for Smoking? Essay -- Peter Brimelow Tobacco Essays

â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?† Peter Brimelow brings to light an interesting idea in his essay â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?† Brimelow’s purpose of his essay is to defend smoking. He provides the audience with information that is worthy of their consideration and valid enough to make them think twice about how they stand on the issue of smoking. Unfortunately, some flaws in Brimelow’s technique distract the audience from his message that smoking is not as unhealthy as it appears. A few mistakes transform his work from a well-written argumentative essay to an unsuccessful attempt to spread his beliefs. What started as an essay to rouse new views on the issue of smoking swiftly lost all merit and became a means to assail the people in opposition of the author’s views. Brimelow makes a gallant effort to prove his major claim, or main idea (McFadden). He wants to get the audience to concur with him that smoking is not an altogether unhealthy habit (Brimelow 141). However, mistakes in his essay begin with his major claim statement. When Brimelow writes that â€Å"smoking might be, in some ways, good for you† (141), he already puts doubts in the minds of the audience. Instead of feeling that the author is confident about his position on the subject, the audience picks up on the skepticism hidden in the words â€Å"might† and â€Å"some small ways.† Those qualifiers, or words and phrases that exclude some situations from his major claim (McFadden), leave the audience questioning who it is beneficial for and in what situations. Brimelow uses warrants, or peoples’ values (McFadden), to get them to coincide with his beliefs. Because Brimelow’s main claim is very disputable, he needs to find some way to catch the attention of the audience a... ... the mistakes he has made. When his audience looks back on the essay they have just read, his examples and facts about smoking that have been so keenly expressed will be unseen, because the focus will be on the unprofessional fallacies present in his work. In future works, it would be advantageous for Brimelow to be aware of these fallacies and to find a different means of approaching his rebuttal so that another strenuous effort will not be diminished into an unsuccessful attempt to disperse his beliefs. Works Cited Brimelow, Peter. â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?† The Genre of Argument. Ed. Irene L. Clark. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 1998. 141-143. Clark, Irene L. The Genre of Argument. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 1998. McFadden, James. Introduction to Toulmin Method. Lecture. Sept. 13 & 14, 2003. Buena Vista University. Storm Lake, IA.

Androgynous Characters in Thomas Hardys Novels Essay -- Biography Bio

Androgynous Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels Androgyny may be defined as "a condition under which the characteristics of the sexes, and the human impulses expressed by men and women, are not rigidly assigned" (Heilbrun 10). In the midst of the Victorian Era, Thomas Hardy opposed conventional norms by creating androgynous characters such as Eustacia Vye, in The Return of the Native ; the title character in Tess of the d Urbervilles ; Sue Bridehead in Jude the Obscure ; and Marty South in The Woodlande rs. Hardy's women, possessing "prodigious energy, stunted opportunity, and a passion which challenges the entire, limiting world" (Heilbrun 70), often resemble men in actions and behavior. Eustacia Vye may be considered androgynous for her passion, rebelliousness, and refusal to accept the confines of Egdon. She exists in a state of untamed romantic emotion and fantasy, and has little concern for the effects of her actions. These characteristics of Eustacia make her less typical of women during the Victorian Era, but the scene in which her androgynous behavior is most evident...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Educational Philosophy Statement :: Education Teaching Progressivism Essays

Educational Philosophy Statement Education is everywhere. This is why teachers need to be the best they can be. Since all children and adolescents are required to attend school, they need teachers that care about them and their education. In order for a teacher to be able to do this, he/she needs to understand the nature of students and knowledge. These two things go together. A teacher also needs to know what the purpose of an education is because without knowing, a teacher does not really have a purpose. In my philosophy, I will discuss why I think my curricular area is important and how I will professionally develop myself to become the best teacher I can be. To begin, we need to understand the nature of students. The nature of students varies between individuals. The majority of students are well-behaved and come to school ready to learn. Part of this is due to the way they have been raised, but most students are basically good. There is a small percent of students whose nature, it seems, is to make everyone miserable. I do not know if this is because of a difficult childhood at home or because the student just likes to be the center of attention. Either way, there are always students that will give their teachers a hard time. I guess this is their nature. Every individual is different, therefore, the nature of the students I will teach some day will be different depending on their background and other various things that may happen to them as they grow up. For example, a student that has lost a sibling due to an illness or accident, may become very bitter throughout life. The nature of this student’s be havior which is being shaped by this may make this student a cold-hearted and mean student. These are the students that teachers need to spend extra time with and try to make them feel loved, no matter how hard this may be. I, as a future teacher, need to look at students and try to help them out no matter how difficult that may be.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Class or Mass Case

Class – or Mass Case Study ? A. Executive Summary Neptune Gourmet Seafood, North America’s third-largest seafood producer’s inventory had shot up to 60 days’ supply – twice the normal level and three times what it had been a year ago. The problem with excess inventory can cause numerous deficiencies such as tight up of cash and loss of margins. During an executive meeting of Neptune’s top management, each executive has a different opinion in presenting a strategic solution.My recommendation is to offer two additional product lines besides the current line that’s targeting at quality seekers. The three – brand strategy strives to acquire the highest market share focusing at three distinct segments eliminating the major issue of excessive inventory while allowing Neptune to operate at its full capacity serving all segments. B. Situation Analysis Summary Jim Hargrove has become overly concerned about the excess inventory because of the advanced technology the company has adopted.Neptune was able to capture more seafood than other company. The root cause analysis suggests that the underlying cause of the problem is Neptune’s limited number of targeted segment. (Appendix D) Because of this, Neptune is overlooking other potential segments that might bring a significant profit to the firm. A summary of top executives’ opinions about the problem presented can be found in Appendix A – Stakeholder analysis.C. Importance of Decision The decision of whether to reduce price or launch new product line is important, and its implication will result in major consequences to Neptune. If the wrong decision is made such as reducing price, a significant loss in profit will harm Neptune in the short term while the negative effect will permanently destroy the brand image of Neptune in the long term. This will take Neptune years to recover.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Puritan Life

The expansion of literacy Influenced Puritans to become more involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England In the 17th century, felt compelled to be devoted to god In all possible manners; thus resulting In the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church.This united sense within the community spread, according to John Winthrop, It was the will of God; God had Intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, In order for them not to lose God's support Puritans must come together In all circumstances, be It miracle or tragedy. Puritans felt God had a Lana for their lives, that he had led them to the New world with great Intentions for them: feeling God had led them to the place they came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought them here.In doing so they developed a theory that God had determined they be bestowed with literacy, leaving illiterate ministries in the past (as note d in A Statement about Education in New England. 1643). The expansion of literacy influenced Puritans to become more involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England in the 1 7th century, felt compelled to be devoted to god in all possible manners; thus resulting in the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church.This united sense within the community spread, according to John Winthrop, it was the will of God; God had intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, in order for them not to lose God's support Puritans must come together in all circumstances, be it miracle or tragedy. Puritans felt God had a plan for their lives, hat he had led them to the New World with great intentions for them; feeling God had led them to the place they came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought them here.In doing so they developed a theory that God had determined they be bestowed with lit eracy, leaving illiterate ministries In the past (as noted in A Statement about Education in New England, 1643). The expansion of literacy influenced Puritans to become more Involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England In the 17th century, felt impelled to be devoted to god in all possible manners; thus resulting In the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church.This united sense within the community spread, according to John Winthrop, It was the will of God; God had Intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, In order for them not to lose God's support Puritans must come together In all circumstances, be It miracle or tragedy-puritans felt God had a plan for their lives, that he had led them to the New World with great Intentions for them; feeling God had led them to the place hey came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought them here.In doing so they developed a th eory that God had determined they be Statement about Education in New England, 1643). The expansion of literacy influenced Puritans to become more involved in society, as most began to read the bible. As Christians, colonists of New England in the 17th century, felt compelled to be devoted to god in all possible manners; thus resulting in the formation of a tight knit community that was centered on the church.This united sense within the immunity spread, according to John Winthrop, it was the will of God; God had intended for man to unite as one to better serve him, in order for them not to lose God's support Puritans must come together in all circumstances, be it miracle or tragedy. Puritans felt God had a plan for their lives, that he had led them to the New World with great intentions for them; feeling God had led them to the place they came to call home, Puritans sought out to discover the purpose God had brought bestowed with literacy, leaving illiterate ministries in the past (as noted in A tragedy.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Scholarship Letter Sample

Sample Scholarship Inquiry Letter This letter provides a sample format for inquiring about private student aid funds. Of course, you must first identify foundations and organizations which offer such assistance well in advance of any application deadlines. You can get help finding the names and addresses of private aid sources by conducting a scholarship search on the Internet or from a reference librarian in your public library or local school.Once you have obtained contact information you will need to customize this letter to reflect your own background and needs by replacing the bracketed boldface text below. [Your Street Address] [Your City, State and Zip] [Ms. Susan B. A. Dollar] [Director of Big Money Awards] [Lots of Money Organization] [P. O. Box 9999] [Moneytown, USA 99999-9999] Dear Ms. Dollar: I am writing to inquire about any student financial assistance that the [Lots of Money Organization] may offer to college-bound students. Enter a concise paragraph about your backgr ound and goals. Try to show how you meet the requirements of the organization’s financial assistance programs. If this is a letter to find out if the organization offers aid, write a short paragraph about how your background and ambitions coincide with the mission of the organization and might qualify you for assistance that may be offered. I would greatly appreciate information about any student financial assistance available through your organization, including how I may apply for this assistance. Information about application forms and deadlines for the [20XX-XX] academic year would also be appreciated. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at [your area code and phone number] or via e-mail at [your e-mail address]. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, [Your Name] Â © NASFAA 2008 1

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Clancy of the Overflow

Bush poetry gives people a unique and interesting prospective into the people who made this country the way it is today and the history behind it. Clancy of the Overflow is a well known bush poem by poet AB â€Å"Banjo† Paterson. Clancy of the overflow is about a person from the city who met a drover/ shearer named Clancy. After meeting him he becomes jealous of Clancy’s lifestyle which is better than his city life. In this poem Banjo uses a variety of poetic devices to get his message across like the use of suggestive language, descriptive language and imagery.Banjo uses suggestive language to make the reader realise that country life is much better than city life where it is crowded and dirty. This becomes evident where the speaker says â€Å"As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing, for the drover's life has pleasures that the townsfolk never know. † And also â€Å"the foetid air and gritty of the dusty, dirty city through the open window floating, spreads its foulness over all. † These quotes suggest that Banjo is trying to convey that city life isn’t as good as country life where you can be free instead of being stuck in an office all day being sweaty and sticky.Banjo tries to convey that being in the country is a better quality of life. â€Å"In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars, and he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended†. This suggests that Banjo is tying to convince the readers that the ideal Australian person has bushman like qualities eg friendliness, adventurous and laid back opposed to the people living in the city who are condescending, unfriendly and arrogant. Banjo also uses descriptive language he uses this to silence all the negative aspects of the country life and any positive aspect of the city life.He uses the words â€Å"sunlit plains†, â€Å"wondrous glory† and â€Å"vision splendid† to describe the country lifest yle and the words â€Å"dingy little office†, â€Å"foetid air† and â€Å"dirty city† to describe the city lifestyle and a place you just don’t want to be. Banjo does this to persuade the reader in believing that the country lifestyle which is portrayed as free, clean and laid back is better than the city lifestyle which is portrayed as dirty, hot and boring.Banjo also makes the reader believe that the attractiveness of living off the land and idealizing the country life as a drover making the quality of life in the country seems greater than in the city. Banjo uses imagery and the first person point of view to help the reader imagine what it would be like to be a drover. The person living in the city imagines what Clancy the drover is doing and feeling while he is stuck in a hot office all day. â€Å"As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing† and also â€Å"He sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars. The city living character is conveying what Clancy the drover is doing and how peaceful it would be if he could do the same. He also says â€Å"And I somehow fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy. † This suggests that the city living character is somewhat jealous of Clancy, his job and his lifestyle. The city living character furthermore explains the city life as â€Å"Of the tramways and the buses making hurry down the street, and the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting†.This suggests that the he doesn’t like his life in the city and considers it as busy and also noisy. Banjo in this poem tries to convey that the typical Australian should be adventurous, pioneering, free and friendly which are qualities of a bushman. He portrays the beauty and peacefulness of living in the country as opposed to the hectic and dingy life of the city. Banjo reveals that the city dweller is envious of the drov er. Clancy personifies the vision which Banjo has on what the average Australian should be.